The Borgias is a historical-fiction drama television series, created by Neil Jordan; it debuted in 2011 and was canceled in 2013. The series is set around the turn of the 16th century, and follows the Borgia family, an Italian dynasty of Spanish origin. The series follows the rise of the Borgia family to the pinnacle of the Roman Catholic Church and their struggles to maintain their grip on power. The beginning of the first season depicts the election of Rodrigo Borgia to the papacy through simony and bribery with the help of his son, Cesare. The triumph in the papal conclave of Borgia, who becomes Pope Alexander VI, enrages his rivals in the College of Cardinals, some of whom decide to plot against him. With the help of his family, Alexander takes on his enemies while striking alliances with other European powers to strengthen his position. Creator: Neil Jordan Stars: Jeremy Irons, François Arnaud, Holliday Grainger |
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