Fury (2014)

Flyboys (2006)

The Hundred Foot Journey (2014)

Deserter - Simon: An English Legionnaire (2002)

The Story of Samuel the Prophet

The Book of Daniel (2013)

After the Fox (1966)

Lightning Jack (1994)

The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams (1974)

Buffalo Rider (1978)

Orc Wars (2013)

Earth Days (2009)

Iron Ivan (Поддубный,2014)

Levity (2003)

Ao: The Last Hunter (2010)

Alexander (2004)

Mary Magdalene (2000)

The Miracle of Marcelino (Marcelino Pan y Vino) (2010)

The Friends of Jesus - Thomas (2001)

Attila (2001)

Full Metal Jacket (1987)

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